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Arlette was founded in the autumn of 2020 by eleven volunteers with the aim of expanding the network of baby libraries in the capital and encouraging sustainable choices for Brussels babies in a socially inclusive way. Our organisation is named after Arlette E., the very first member of the first Belgian Babytheque which opened in Ixelles in 2018.

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Arlette wants to contribute to a society based on sustainability, human needs and the efficient use of resources, especially use rather than ownership. Our goal is to enable as many Brussels families as possible to have access to a baby shop in their own neighbourhood.

Arlette wants to have a sustainable impact on three levels:


  • Ecological: reducing climate impact by encouraging use instead of ownership.

  • Social: to improve social cohesion by creating a meeting place for parents in the neighbourhood

  • Individual: to improve parents’ well-being by facilitating access to quality equipment for babies.

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