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We need your help

Arlette is a brand new organisation that relies on the goodwill and enthusiasm of many people! In order to realise our dreams, we are looking for financial support to be able to deploy staff hours and develop a structural operation in Brussels.

You can also help us by donating baby equipment or by volunteering a few hours a month.

  • Donate or sell baby equipment

    We accept donations and also buy equipment in perfect condition. Contact us at or contact a Babytheque near you.

  • Volunteer

    Join our team of volunteers and help out at a Babytheque near you. It doesn’t matter what your (professional) education is or what language you speak. A handyman or a computer specialist? We need all the help we can get!

  • Donate a gift voucher


  • Donation

    To support our activities financially, you can make a donation to IBAN BE86 8939 4410 9250

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